PhD Candidate in Music Education
Art and Music Schools, policy processes and discourses of inclusion
Despite the fact that about 97 % of Sweden’s municipalities finance Art and Music Schools, such schools have no national policy documents. Recently, however, the Swedish government has commissioned an investigation to suggest a national strategy. The aim of my PhD thesis is to investigate the discourses that emerge when Sweden’s Art and Music School leaders talk about their own practice, policy processes and inclusion.
The Swedish music education research field lacks leadership perspectives on Art and Music Schools. Because of their leaders' important role in policy processes, this research project may contribute with new knowledge in a period of challenging the music and art schools' mission.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Methodological considerations in practice-based research : Lessons learned from research with a music school in Sweden
Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg
Conference paper: abstractA Comprehensive Pathway in Music Education
Rut Jorunn Rønning, Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg, Anders Rønningen, Eirik Askerøi, Gaute Storsve, et al.
Conference - otherEn kulturskola för alla?
Mikael Persson, Cecilia Jeppsson, Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg, Andreas Lundhäll
(2024) Fritidsdidaktiska dilemman , p.219-244
Book chapterInkludering och breddat deltagande i kulturskolan
Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg, Cecilia Jeppsson
(2024) Pedagogik för kulturskolan , p.79-102
Book chapterMulticentric policy practice : Collaboration as policy enactment in Sweden’s Art and Music Schools
Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg, Patrick Schmidt
(2024) Music Schools in Changing Societies : How Collaborative Professionalism Can Transform Music Education , p.173-187
Book chapterWhen policies collide : Possibilities and Challenges of Practice-based Research
Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg
(2022) Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar of the ISME Commission on Policy: Culture, Media and Education Virtual Conference , p.48-55
Conference paperPolicy conditions for kulturskole - comprehensive school collaborations : A policy document analysis
Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg, Cecilia Jeppsson
(2022) , p.7-7
Conference paper: abstractMusic Education and Democratisation : Policy processes and discourses of inclusion of all children in Sweden's Art and Music Schools
Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg
(2021) Studies in Music and Music Education
DissertationPolicy and leadership discourses in Sweden’s Art and Music Schools : the inclusion of refugee children
Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg, Live Weider Ellefsen
(2021) Music Education Research, 23 p.348-361
Journal articleDisabilities within Sweden’s Art and Music Schools : Discourses of inclusion, policy and practice
Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg
(2020) Policy Futures in Education, 18 p.391-409
Journal articleKulturskolerelatert forskning i Norden – en översikt
Anders Rønningen, Cecilia Jeppsson, Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg, Hanna Backer Johnsen, Finn Holst
ReportReflections on research collaborations: A call for Nordic research on music education, sustainability, and democracy
Eva Sæther, Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg
(2019) Advancing music education in Northern Europe , p.50-63
Book chapter”En inkluderande kulturskola” – för alla funktionsvariationer?
Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg
(2019) Centrum för barnkulturforsknings skriftserie, 51
Book chapterIncluding refugees in Sweden’s Art and Music Schools: Practice and policy discourses
Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg, Live Weider Ellefsen
Conference paper: abstractMixed abilities within Sweden’s Art and Music Schools: Discourses of inclusion, policy and practice
Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg
(2019) Policy Futures in Education
Journal articleMusic education policy in schools of music and performing arts in four Nordic countries: the potential of multi-actor processes
Cecilia Björk, Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg, Marja Heimonen, Finn Holst, Anne Jordhus-Lier, et al.
(2018) Finnish Journal of Music Education
Journal articleAdvancing Music Education in Northern Europe: Authorship in a State-Sponsored International Network : Reflections on research collaborations: A call for Nordic research on music education, sustainability, and democracy
Eva Sæther, Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg
(2018) , p.198-198
Conference - otherEducational Policy and Discourse in Inclusion Research: A Theoretical Framework
Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg
(2018) Proceedings of the 19th International Seminar of the ISME Commission on Music Policy: Culture, Education, and Media , p.81-90
Conference paperPolicy Processes and Discourses of Inclusion in Sweden’s Art and Music Schools
Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg
PosterSweden's Art and Music Schools and Compulsory Schools: The Collaboration Discourse
Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg, Patrick Schmidt
(2018) , p.71-71
Conference paper: abstractReflections on research collaborations: A call for Nordic research on music education, sustainability, and democracy. : Contribution to the symposium on the Nordic Network NNME
Eva Sæther, Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg
Conference paper: abstractTension fields between discourses: Sweden's Art and Music Schools as constituted within and through their leaders' discursive practices
Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg
(2017) Finnish Journal of Music Education, 20 p.59-76
Journal articleForskningsrapport om kulturskolors verksamhet för barn och unga i behov av särskilt stöd
Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg
ReportMusic and Democracy: Leadership Positioning in Relation to Policy Enacting and Inclusion of Children and Adolescents with (Dis)abilities in Sweden’s Art and Music Schools
Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg
Conference paper: abstractMusic and democracy Leadership positioning in relation to inclusion of children and adolescents with disabilities in Sweden’s music and art schools
Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg
Conference paper: abstractKulturskolan i förändring. Kulturskolechefers positionering inför centraliseringsprocessen
Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg
Conference paper: abstract