Release of EDI Guidelines
What if instead of asking ourselves: "How can we work with EDI in teaching?" we asked: "How are teachers and students already working with EDI?"
Over the past three years, a team consisting of researchers, teachers, teacher students, and pupils has been investigating and experimenting with different teaching models and approaches to EDI in instrumental and ensemble teaching. The result has led our team to design guidelines—a resource full of tools for teaching EDI.
Come and join our release where we present the project, showcase our newly designed guidelines, and listen to feedback from you! We hope that this launch will lead to new collaborations and insights into EDI in teaching, and we look forward to sharing our experiences and new tools with you during the session.
We look forward to seeing you!
Anna Houmann, Erik Lundahl, Joakim Barfalk, Per Berlin Englund
The release will also be given in Swedish on Tuesday 11 June 16.00-16.45
Om evenemanget
joakim [dot] barfalk [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se