Malmö Academy of Music offers a range of scholarships aimed at different musical specialisations.
The scholarships intend to contribute to your continued artistic development by enabling, for example, further education or the purchase of a new instrument.
The distribution of the scholarships is decided by the academy's Board of Directors in consultation with educational committees, individual teachers or donors/representatives. The evaluation is usually not based on a particular audition but covers the overall study performance.
The evaluation is based on the following principles:
- great emphasis is placed on study results and how the scholarship will contribute to the student's development
- great emphasis is placed on the purposes and motives presented in the application
- all students should have equal opportunities to receive a scholarship
- all students can apply, but those who are at the end of their education are prioritised
- previously received scholarships do not prevent re-applying
Everyone who applies for a scholarship will be notified of the result. However, applications submitted outside the application period will not be considered. Most scholarships are announced and awarded at the closing ceremony in June, when donors are invited.
The Sisters Rosendahl's donation for vocal and music students
Awarded to one female and one male student at Malmö Academy of Music. Two scholarships of SEK 10,000 each have been distributed annually since 2012 and will continue as long as there are funds left.
Application period: 13 April till 2 May 2024
Sven Fredriksson's pianist scholarship
The purpose of this scholarship is to support the education of talented and ambitious piano students at Malmö Academy of Music. The scholarship is awarded to students who focus on Western art music and the amount varies from year to year.
Application period: 13 April till 2 May 2024
Signe and Edvin Malmqvist's scholarship fund
These scholarships are intended for woodwind students (with a broad interpretation of the term woodwind) but primarily flutists. All musical genres/styles are welcome.
The scholarships are issued according to the following criteria:
Level 1: Primarily to all newly admitted woodwind students who start a programme and have not studied at Malmö Academy of Music before.
Level 2: alternatively to newly admitted Master's student who have previously completed a Bachelor's programme or are newly admitted to an independent course.
Level 3: Thirdly, students who are in particular need of financial support or are doing exchange studies. Primarily flutists.
No application. The scholarships are announced during the autumn.
Sten K Johnson's scholarship
The Sten K Johnson's foundation awards scholarships to students who play a brass instrument at Malmö Academy of Music. The scholarships are intended to award particularly good study performance. In addition to general principles the following criteria apply:
- the scholarships should preferably be used as education scholarships, travel grants or as a contribution to instrument purchases
- that a representative from the brass section at Malmö Academy of Music, in cooperation with the donor/foundation, participate in the preparation of proposals for scholarship holders
Application period: 13 April till 2 May 2024
Marianne and Lars-Anders Linder's Foundation
A scholarship awarded to string students at Malmö Academy of Music. The scholarship amount varies.
Application period: 13 April till 2 May 2024
String scholarship in memory of Lars and Gudrun Christensen
Awarded to one or more students at Malmö Academy of Music. Consideration should be given to ambition, talent and necessity with preference to violin and cello students.
Application period: 13 April till 2 May 2024
Please note that ’Marianne and Lars-Anders Linder's Foundation’ and ’String scholarship in memory of Lars and Gudrun Christensen’ have the same application form in the application system.
Annik and Lars Leander's Foundation
The scholarship (50,000 SEK) will be given to a student at one of the following programmes at Malmö Academy of Music:
- Composition – Bachelor's Level
- Composition – Master's Level
- Composition | Music for Film and Media – Master's Level
In addition to name, date of birth, address, e-mail address and phone number, the application must include a summary of the applicant's financial situation as well as information on other sought and/or received scholarships since the beginning of the student's studies.
Furthermore, the application must include a motivation letter (at least 3000 characters including spaces) covering a project idea, personal goals and a timetable. In addition to this, a budget statement must also be attached.
The application is submitted to our scholarship manager Carina Gustin (helene [dot] persson [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se (carina[dot]gustin[at]mhm[dot]lu[dot]se)). Please write 'Annik and Lars Leander's Foundation' in the subject line. Applications received after the application period will not be taken into consideration.
Some months after receiving the scholarship the holder must submit in writing to Carina Gustin how the funds have been used.
Previously received scholarships do not prevent re-applying.
Inga and Georg Kopelius Memorial Fund
Malmö Academy of Music annually awards scholarships from Inga and Georg Kopelius Memorial Fund to promote and support education in general and excellent student performances in particular. The scholarships can be given to individual students or be used in other ways to promote music education for young people.
The scholarships can only be applied for by students at the age of 28 years or younger. Malmö Academy of Music has decided that the scholarships from this fund will go to:
- Organ students at the Church Music programmes.
- Guitar students with a focus on Western art music.
- Music teacher's training students.
- Projects to promote young people's music education. Applies to a group of students.
Please note that these categories have separate application forms in the application system.
Application period: 13 April till 2 May 2024
Educational scholarships
- Elsy Jönsson – one scholarship per student per academic year, preferably for music pedagogical purposes.
- Britta Nilsson – part of the fund will be distributed annually as scholarships, primarily to prospective music teachers.
- Märta Klang – scholarship to students at Malmö Academy of Music.
Please note that these three scholarships have the same application form in the application system.
Application period: 13 April till 2 May 2024
Gunnel and Bertil Svensson's Foundation for Promising Musicians
The purpose of this foundation is to promote education and development at Malmö Academy of Music by annually distributing at least one scholarship to talented and promising instrumental or vocal students. The scholarships are distributed equally between men and women. They cannot be applied for. Malmö Academy of Music's Board of Directors decides on the allocation.
Sten, Stellan and Märta Hähnel's Memorial Fundation
This scholarship aims to promote the education of young music students. It has been awarded at all Swedish Music Academies since 2012. Each school receive 18,000–25,000 SEK to distribute to a student. The fund is administered by the Royal College of Music in Stockholm. The scholarship cannot be applied for, but Malmö Academy of Music's Board of Directors provides the Royal College of Music with a nomination.
Ebba and Birgit Jansson's Fund
Scholarship for 'young promising musicians who practice classical music'. Cannot be applied for. Malmö Academy of Music's Board of Directors decides on the allocation.
The Jubilee Fund's scholarships for young musicians
The Swedish Orden of Freemasonry annually awards scholarships to two students at Malmö Academy of Music. The scholarships go to young musicians, individually or in groups, in all genres except classical.
Can not be applied for. Malmö Academy of Music's management nominates students and the Jubilee Fund makes a decisions during autumn. The scholarships are awarded at a ceremony together with a short concert.
Torsten Tegstam's Fund for studies in music and musicology
Torsten Tegstam's Fund awards scholarships to students at Malmö Academy of Music and at the department of musicology at Lund University. The only requirement is that you must have studied at least one term already.
Amount: 120,000 SEK in total.
It is the Education Director at the department of musicology at Lund University who makes the decision on distribution. When you apply you submit an application where you motivate why you should get the scholarship. No audio or video file are needed.
Application period: 20 September to 3 October 2024
Read more about the scholarship and how to apply