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Anna Houmann. Foto.

Anna Houmann


Anna Houmann. Foto.

Electronical digital instrument (EDI) - Digital music making with children, youth and music teacher students


  • Anna Houmann
  • Joakim Barfalk
  • Erik Lundahl
  • Per Berlin Englund

Summary, in English

Making music with digital tools might be considered common knowledge in music education. However, there are vast numbers of music teachers who feel insecure when it comes to actually using it as a prominent tool for music making in their classrooms. The objective of this workshop is to show how students of different ages together with their music teachers create, produce and perform music by EDI. The EDI is a system based on three components: 1) A computer 2) User-configured software (ex Ableton Live) 3) Performance controllers with grid, keyboard, and mix control capabilities (ex Ableton Push). This work lecture includes presentations, cases and examples on digital music making brought in by students and music teachers. Via this interaction participants will experience real time collaborative music making, producing and performing with EDI and take part of the result.
All four presenters are part of the practice based project "The digital student - computer as instrument in school" and will through the workshop format highlight some of its essential findings. This work lecture will display a number of ways these digital tools can help music teachers take advantage of students’ resourcefulness and creativity to work collaboratively and individually in their music making. The aims of this work lecture are to give the participants the opportunity to:
• Experience digital music making through given tools to create and produce music
• Give inspiration to implement and/or develop new ways of using digital tools in making and producing music, in music education
• Open up a broader view on the computer as students main instrument in music education
• Understand how digital tools in making, producing and performing music highlights and emphasize students voices in the process as well as in the result


  • Lärare (Musikhögskolan)
  • LU profilområde: Mänskliga rättigheter








Konferensbidrag: abstract


  • Educational Sciences
  • Music

Conference name

European Association for Music in Schools: Liberty - Equity - Creativity: Innovating and Inventing Music in the Classroom

Conference date

2023-05-24 - 2023-05-27

Conference place

Lyon, France

