Performance Studies – Jazz/Improvisation
Performance Studies - Jazz/Improvisation is a one-year independent university course at advanced level for those who want to refine their performance skills both through individual practice and ensemble playing. A high artistic and technical level at your main instrument is required.
Course content:
Instrumental studies
You will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in your main instrument under the guidance of experienced teachers. Through individual lessons, masterclasses and group lessons, you develop both technical skills and your artistic expression.
Ensemble and project
The ensemble activities are based on projects where the students become musically responsible for the content. The projects culminate in a concert at the end of each term.
Seminars and workshops
The students at the course also take part in the course "The Performing Human Being - music and psychology".
How to apply
Important dates for your application
- Apply for the course on
Application period: October 15, 2024 – January 15, 2025.
- Upload your samples of work no later than January 22, 2025. Follow to the instructions below – read the information carefully so that you send the correct documents and that these are in the correct format.
Samples of work
- You submit samples of work in the format of video recordings, where you perform two songs by your choice, maximum 20 minutes of music in total.
Instructions and criteria for video recordings
In order for the video recordings to be approved as a basis for assessment, you as an applicant must follow the instructions below:
- Start your video recordings by identifying yourself – film your ID or passport, and your face. State which piece you will perform.
- Your face, hands and instrument must be visible at all times.
- Perform and record one (1) piece/audition task per film. No clips or other technical edits are allowed.
- The sound should be of good quality, recorded with the microphone in your mobile phone or with a room microphone, without too much room acoustics and without distortion and noise.
- The video recordings must have good image quality with good contrast and light.
- You must upload the recordings in MP4 format. Other file formats are not allowed. Your samples of work folder must not exceed 5 GB.
If these instructions are not followed or if we suspect that the video files have been modified, your submitted samples of work may be assessed as invalid.
Instructions for uploading samples of work
- Check that you have signed up for the programme you are applying for at
- Save the videos you want to submit in MP4 format. Name each file with a title, your initials and date of birth - use the first two letters of your first and last name and the year / month / day format for your date of birth. Separate the data with underscores.
Video1_LaJo_990230_PERFJAIN (In the example, the applicant is named Lars Jonsson and was born on February 2nd in 1999. He is applying for Performance Studies – Western Art Music. The next file is called Video2_LaJo_990230_PERFJAIN etc.)
- Create a new folder on your computer. Name the folder with the abbreviation PERFJAIN_your instrument_your full name_date of birth (year / month / day).
Example: PERFJAIN_Guitar_LarsJonsson_990230
- Put all your files in the folder and save it on your computer.
- Compress your folder into a ZIP file (note: Do not use RAR files, we can not open these). The folder must not exceed 5 GB.
- Open the link for uploading samples of work. You will find the link at the bottom of this page.
- Download or drag the entire folder from your computer into the upload window. Enter the same email address as when you made your registration at Upload!
- When the upload is complete, you will receive a confirmation directly in the browser. Do not close the browser until the upload is complete.
- If you have problems with the upload of your work samples, please contact us via email to admissions [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se (admissions[at]mhm[dot]lu[dot]se)
Please note: It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the work samples are complete according to the audition information, that they are submitted in the correct format and are playable. Never send your samples of work to the admissions email. They will end up in the wrong place and your application will not be considered complete.
Quick Facts
60 ECTS credits / 1 year full-time
Kind of programme
Independent course
Language of instruction
Swedish and English
Application period
15 October 2024 – 15 January 2025.
Syllabus MUPS11 (PDF 220 KB, new tab)
Entry requirements
To be admitted to the course, 90 credits are required from studies at a music academy or equivalent, as well as an approved entrance examination.
Selection: based on entrance examination.
Link to application
Application will be open October 2024 - January 2025
Peter Nilsson
Course leader, university lecturer in drums and jazz ensemble
peter [dot] nilsson [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se (peter[dot]nilsson[at]mhm[dot]lu[dot]se)
Thea Lundbäck
Programme Coordinator
thea [dot] lundback [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se (thea[dot]lundback[at]mhm[dot]lu[dot]se)
+46 40 32 54 25