The Bachelor's programme in Recorder will provide you with a high artistic and professional ability. The programme focuses on historical instruments and the performance practices of music before year 1800.
You are given the opportunity to delve into different music styles ranging from early music to contemporary music and how these differ in instrumentation, tempering and ornamentation. In addition to historical knowledge, great focus is placed on your artistic and technical development as well as playing in various ensemble formats.
Cecilia Kjelldén senior Lecturer in Recorder
Anders Danman teacher in Harpsichord and Interpretation Studies
Peter Spissky lecturer in Baroque Violin & PhD Candidate in Artistic Research in Music
General requirements for university studies in Sweden as well as successful entrance tests to the Bachelor’s Programme in Music.
Questions about admission:
admissions [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se (admissions[at]mhm[dot]lu[dot]se)