Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg

Policy conditions for kulturskole - comprehensive school collaborations : A policy document analysis
Summary, in Swedish
This study focuses on policy conditions for collaboration between kulturskolor and comprehensive schools, as a strategy for children’s access to arts education. National policy documents address inclusion and widening participation as key issues for Swedish kulturskolor. The government has introduced grants for programme development with inclusion as one criterion for approval. Recent research has shown that children of culturally interested parents from middle-class backgrounds are overrepresented in kulturskolor. Research has also pointed to collaboration between kulturskolor and comprehensive schools as a viable strategy for reaching new groups of children and facilitating their
participation in arts education.
The restrictions in connection with the pandemic 2020-2021 have put many kulturskole initiatives on hold. Nevertheless, a couple of official policy documents have been published during the years 2019- 2021 in Sweden on the issue of collaboration, which has made the issue debated in the Swedish kulturskole field. The documents vary from strict regulations to surveys, descriptions and texts intended to guide and inspire. Taken together, the documents constitute the preconditions for kulturskolor to act (or not) in the matter of collaboration with comprehensive schools.
Factors found favourable for successful and sustainable collaboration are common values and goals at the leadership level and between the different institutions and equal commitment from the pedagogical professions involved. Each institution’s status and power at the general level can also affect the opportunities for collaboration. There is a risk for a subordinated institution to adapt to a superordinate institution; kulturskolor might function as subordinate to comprehensive schools and their governing documents.
The data for the study consists of official documents from Kulturskolerådet, Kulturskolecentrum, Skolverket and Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner. The analysis focuses on the conditions for collaboration based on the analysis of the documents. The analysis draws on discourse theory and policy
theoretical framework.
participation in arts education.
The restrictions in connection with the pandemic 2020-2021 have put many kulturskole initiatives on hold. Nevertheless, a couple of official policy documents have been published during the years 2019- 2021 in Sweden on the issue of collaboration, which has made the issue debated in the Swedish kulturskole field. The documents vary from strict regulations to surveys, descriptions and texts intended to guide and inspire. Taken together, the documents constitute the preconditions for kulturskolor to act (or not) in the matter of collaboration with comprehensive schools.
Factors found favourable for successful and sustainable collaboration are common values and goals at the leadership level and between the different institutions and equal commitment from the pedagogical professions involved. Each institution’s status and power at the general level can also affect the opportunities for collaboration. There is a risk for a subordinated institution to adapt to a superordinate institution; kulturskolor might function as subordinate to comprehensive schools and their governing documents.
The data for the study consists of official documents from Kulturskolerådet, Kulturskolecentrum, Skolverket and Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner. The analysis focuses on the conditions for collaboration based on the analysis of the documents. The analysis draws on discourse theory and policy
theoretical framework.
- Lärare (Musikhögskolan)
Konferensbidrag: abstract
- Educational Sciences
Conference name
Cutting Edge Kulturskole 2022
Conference date
2022-02-16 - 2022-02-18
Conference place